We left on Sunday... we arrived on Sunday...
或许,平时都是和友人一块出游,都会互相照应,总会你等我,我等你的;这次真的有点不是味道。。。 一转湾就不见了人影。。。只差着没喊出口,“等等我!”。。。 听起来有点卡通。过后,再想想,又是不是自己走得快了些? 这一幕,让我想起孤身到布丹之旅。。。 一路上, 自己顾自己。。。看来,接下来的日子, 得把眼睛长大点,不然,迷了路也没人知,没人问!哎。。。
飞机在3点15分降陆,在机场移民厅里,是长长的人龙,排着排着, 45分了,才不过处在人龙的中央。下一班的飞机已抵达了,人龙永远都是那么的长。。。 何时才轮到最后的一位呢?
在想, 出去领行李时,它们一定是在那儿等着我了吧?那是要证明机场的处理行李的效率高呢?还是。。。?
终于通过了关卡, 咋看下,行李的影都没呢。。 。 实在实在的慢,慢,慢!!!
Yes, it's my very very first experience - booking a hotel right after immigration clearance! It's a mis-calculated deal... anyway... there're other gains, in terms of convenience and facilities, too... But definitely, it's the first time I drag my luggage to take the underground... and on the streets to look for the hotel...
感觉并不是很好。果然,失散了!天啊!为什么真的发生了呢? 或许, 是没有默契吧!
该死的电话,居然不听使唤。。。 急死我了。。。上去看了又没有,下来等了一会儿, 把行李拉上了那节地铁车厢,突然,有短讯来了!
"Whr r u?"
"At the train stn"
"At th train platform. Thr is a train leaving. I wait 4 U."
那失散的感觉真难受。当然,失而复得的那一刻,感觉真好。 但,总个来说,还是很难受! 出门以来,从来没有这么失策过。
扯着行李箱搭地铁, 还是第一回。 或许平时宝贝惯了,所以有点不自在,不习惯。天啊!何苦呢?接着,又拉着行李箱满街跑。。。 唉。。。
有趣的一幕:或许太累了吧!SS 的行李箱,居然趁他打盹时,悄悄的满地铁车厢跑了。哈哈。差点没喊道“回来呀!我的行李!”
踏破铁鞋, 终于来到了下榻的旅店, 还不错。。。还漂亮。。。 可舒舒服服地休息了!
晚上 (其实,天还亮得很),出来找吃了!看来,找吃,也是一种学问呢!好难找呀!
街,走了一条有一条; 路,走完一段有一段。林林总总的,但大多是‘红毛‘餐 - 不是面包,就是皮萨;而且,时已入10点多。。。 最后,还是到了24小时便利店,买了蛋糕和牛做晚餐。。。 顿时,感到。。。凄凉哉!!!
来时,付了钱,才发现‘亏’了一晚的房租。破了财。。。 反正,没想过要‘发‘任何的横财,无所谓啦。。。 扯平了。。。 本来没什么的。。。 可是,看到SS每经过一家旅店,就问一家。。。 价格也一家比一家便宜。。。 甚至便宜超出一倍。。。 心里有数了。。。 只要不太差,像是旅店,也无所谓吧。。。好吧,‘搬家’就‘搬家’吧。。。
Day 2 (3 July 2006, Monday)
It's exciting... going to meet our GUIDE for the study trip - Keith Blake... heard about him (from Shoo Soon)... Yes, he came in early... to the hotel lobby... like what he said, he's sharp, quick and... warm :D
It was a good walk from the Hotel to the DfES office... a good long walk - for more than 30 minutes... I guess he wanted to serve dual purpose - to introduce and familiarise us with the surrounding... oh yes, he remembered that we were new to the city... so doubling up as a tour guide, too... how thoughtful he is...
Oh yes, learnt a new plant that looks very much like Maple tree - the London Plains - a very common tree on the streets in London - that serve as a filter to the pollutants in the city...
The meeting at the DfES office gave everything a headstart... where the "mastermind" is... yes, the policy makers and think-tank... we are lucky to hear about the newly constructed self-review framework (involving 8 elements) and how it connects the work of the various agencies... oh yes, one more exciting upcoming platform - that reassembles that of the school cockpit, with a bigger intent in mind - taking into account of pupils' portfolio.
This was followed by a visit to Ofsted, another "powerful" and I think "feared-most" agency, that is equivalent to the school appraisal branch... Am amaze by the fact that schools can be given such short notices for preparation of the inspection... Just thinking... I really admire the level of transparency that the British practises - putting up the entire school appraisal report in the internet, making it public... there's no means the school can compromise, in providing quality education to the children... Just wondering, how will schools react, when one day, the SAB says, all EV reports will be up in the internet? Who knows, it can just happen... one day...
晚上,实在是太累太累了。。。 卧在床上,不知不觉,睡着了。。。真的不行了。。。 今晚的晚餐又免了吧。。。 糟了, 明儿5点30分就得出发了!又没早餐!
It was a good walk from the Hotel to the DfES office... a good long walk - for more than 30 minutes... I guess he wanted to serve dual purpose - to introduce and familiarise us with the surrounding... oh yes, he remembered that we were new to the city... so doubling up as a tour guide, too... how thoughtful he is...
Oh yes, learnt a new plant that looks very much like Maple tree - the London Plains - a very common tree on the streets in London - that serve as a filter to the pollutants in the city...
The meeting at the DfES office gave everything a headstart... where the "mastermind" is... yes, the policy makers and think-tank... we are lucky to hear about the newly constructed self-review framework (involving 8 elements) and how it connects the work of the various agencies... oh yes, one more exciting upcoming platform - that reassembles that of the school cockpit, with a bigger intent in mind - taking into account of pupils' portfolio.
This was followed by a visit to Ofsted, another "powerful" and I think "feared-most" agency, that is equivalent to the school appraisal branch... Am amaze by the fact that schools can be given such short notices for preparation of the inspection... Just thinking... I really admire the level of transparency that the British practises - putting up the entire school appraisal report in the internet, making it public... there's no means the school can compromise, in providing quality education to the children... Just wondering, how will schools react, when one day, the SAB says, all EV reports will be up in the internet? Who knows, it can just happen... one day...
晚上,实在是太累太累了。。。 卧在床上,不知不觉,睡着了。。。真的不行了。。。 今晚的晚餐又免了吧。。。 糟了, 明儿5点30分就得出发了!又没早餐!
Day 3 (4 July 2006, Tuesday)
睡眠不足,加上空空的肚子,就上路了。。。真的,整天,有点魂不付体,灵魂出窍。。。 哈哈。
Trying to sustain energy level... the morning started off with a long train journey that cost us almost 90 pounds per pax... Wah! That's expensive, isn't it... Anyway, it's a trip to another city in England, Birmingham, about 100 miles away. It was also the earliest trip for amongst all the days... leaving the hotel by 5.30 am... without breakfast... Oh! How miserable!!! especially for a tired body when the soul is half-gone... Yes, a bottle of mineral water and croissant (with mushroom and cheese)... there's the only energy recharger... oh yes, no coffee for that morning, too!!! That adds to the misery...
The train journey lasted for more than 1 h 30 min. Along the way, Keith turned to a tour guide, giving us the commentary from the styles of houses to the changing landscapes and trades to farming...
Oh yes, we learnt that the Georgian houses can be mostly identified through the (3X3) grid windows while the Victorian ones come with another kind of windows, and I think, also chimneys, too... We are lucky that these can be seen on the way, from hotel to Euston Train station, and on the way to Birmingham, too.
Oh yes, the plains that excited SS... we couldn't find them in Singapore... On the other hand, I just counted myself very lucky (in my heart) that I have seen more beautiful landscapes than this... when I was on my way to Bumthang... the fields and highlands filled with mustard plantation, and the animals... Hm... Bhutan is beautiful... I just wonder... probably Keith thought that we were very sua-ku??? Anyway, doesn't matter... it's asian's nature to be humble... and each individual comes with different bag of knowledge and experiences, too.
We started Birmingham with a little 'sight-seeing', oh yes, the bullring... that does not have bull fights like those in Spain... hahaha... fooled by Keith... it's simply a huge mall - like our town centre.
The light breakfast takes effect when we reach Greet Primary School... yes, a typical primary school that faces the challenges... I think, in particular, the profile of pupils - for a moment, I saw lots of muslims walking into school, children, parents, and even teachers!!! This is something I would not expect to see in an English country!!! So different from what we saw in movies, though we do see the blacks in movies, too... I'm caught in surprise... the Asian has invaded into this part of the world! Somehow, the school gives me a very down-to-earth feel and look... and yes, though we didn't see fanastic infrastructure, it's a system that we saw generated interests... the way work is monitored... we eagerly asked for photocopies of work... and yes, lots of photos were taken... they can be useful suggestions to schools next year... we see the practical values here...
Looking back, I just wonder, we were so enthused by what we saw in Greets Primary... is it because it's the very first school visit we had, or it's the things that the school has done had impressed us? The hospitality of the head teacher and the assistant head teacher? Yes, I think both...
Robin Hood Primary School is a very well-known school, with its exemplary use of ICT as an enabler to bring about creative thinking and learning, etc... Oh yes, even Poh Choo has heard of the school! Indeed, the head teacher and the other key teacher mentioned that they had specially get the teachers and pupils to put up the lessons for us to see (Hm... though wayang... but it wayanged with substance...) :D ... thanks for the effort indeed! Yes, we see the solid work that pupils have done... it's nothing more truthful and real than hearing directly from the learners! It's marvellous! Pupils indeed are very well-versed and know what they are doing... another impressive management system is the electronic work monitoring system that was used for Key stage 2 pupils. Unfortunately, it was a flat 'no' when asked if it's ok to have a print screen the checklist... anyway... doesn't matter lah...
The afternoon at Becta was the most miserable one... ok, must clarify, not the organisation, but it's ME... 'cos I was already brain-dead on the way there... !!! Remember, the lack of sleep and hunger - leading to lack of oxygen in the brain.... can't even put up an intelligent look... failed miserably... The chim chim lecture made it worse... nothing goes into the head... oh no... the time passed so slowly... Thanks to SS who saved the day...
Well, that evening went off without dinner again... again??? Oops... can't even remember!!! I think, it's a total black-out + blank-out??? No, no... half a 'curry-puff'-look-a-like and half a packet of onion rings... that's all to end the day...
Oh yes, we continued to look for cheaper accommodation, along the way... the first one, County Hotel... 41 pounds... but shared facilities!!! No! No! No! Ok, Tavistock seems reasonable... 61 pounds... set! Will move in tomorrow...
That's the night started packing again... getting ready to move house the next morning...
睡眠不足,加上空空的肚子,就上路了。。。真的,整天,有点魂不付体,灵魂出窍。。。 哈哈。
Trying to sustain energy level... the morning started off with a long train journey that cost us almost 90 pounds per pax... Wah! That's expensive, isn't it... Anyway, it's a trip to another city in England, Birmingham, about 100 miles away. It was also the earliest trip for amongst all the days... leaving the hotel by 5.30 am... without breakfast... Oh! How miserable!!! especially for a tired body when the soul is half-gone... Yes, a bottle of mineral water and croissant (with mushroom and cheese)... there's the only energy recharger... oh yes, no coffee for that morning, too!!! That adds to the misery...
The train journey lasted for more than 1 h 30 min. Along the way, Keith turned to a tour guide, giving us the commentary from the styles of houses to the changing landscapes and trades to farming...
Oh yes, we learnt that the Georgian houses can be mostly identified through the (3X3) grid windows while the Victorian ones come with another kind of windows, and I think, also chimneys, too... We are lucky that these can be seen on the way, from hotel to Euston Train station, and on the way to Birmingham, too.
Oh yes, the plains that excited SS... we couldn't find them in Singapore... On the other hand, I just counted myself very lucky (in my heart) that I have seen more beautiful landscapes than this... when I was on my way to Bumthang... the fields and highlands filled with mustard plantation, and the animals... Hm... Bhutan is beautiful... I just wonder... probably Keith thought that we were very sua-ku??? Anyway, doesn't matter... it's asian's nature to be humble... and each individual comes with different bag of knowledge and experiences, too.
We started Birmingham with a little 'sight-seeing', oh yes, the bullring... that does not have bull fights like those in Spain... hahaha... fooled by Keith... it's simply a huge mall - like our town centre.
The light breakfast takes effect when we reach Greet Primary School... yes, a typical primary school that faces the challenges... I think, in particular, the profile of pupils - for a moment, I saw lots of muslims walking into school, children, parents, and even teachers!!! This is something I would not expect to see in an English country!!! So different from what we saw in movies, though we do see the blacks in movies, too... I'm caught in surprise... the Asian has invaded into this part of the world! Somehow, the school gives me a very down-to-earth feel and look... and yes, though we didn't see fanastic infrastructure, it's a system that we saw generated interests... the way work is monitored... we eagerly asked for photocopies of work... and yes, lots of photos were taken... they can be useful suggestions to schools next year... we see the practical values here...
Looking back, I just wonder, we were so enthused by what we saw in Greets Primary... is it because it's the very first school visit we had, or it's the things that the school has done had impressed us? The hospitality of the head teacher and the assistant head teacher? Yes, I think both...
Robin Hood Primary School is a very well-known school, with its exemplary use of ICT as an enabler to bring about creative thinking and learning, etc... Oh yes, even Poh Choo has heard of the school! Indeed, the head teacher and the other key teacher mentioned that they had specially get the teachers and pupils to put up the lessons for us to see (Hm... though wayang... but it wayanged with substance...) :D ... thanks for the effort indeed! Yes, we see the solid work that pupils have done... it's nothing more truthful and real than hearing directly from the learners! It's marvellous! Pupils indeed are very well-versed and know what they are doing... another impressive management system is the electronic work monitoring system that was used for Key stage 2 pupils. Unfortunately, it was a flat 'no' when asked if it's ok to have a print screen the checklist... anyway... doesn't matter lah...
The afternoon at Becta was the most miserable one... ok, must clarify, not the organisation, but it's ME... 'cos I was already brain-dead on the way there... !!! Remember, the lack of sleep and hunger - leading to lack of oxygen in the brain.... can't even put up an intelligent look... failed miserably... The chim chim lecture made it worse... nothing goes into the head... oh no... the time passed so slowly... Thanks to SS who saved the day...
Well, that evening went off without dinner again... again??? Oops... can't even remember!!! I think, it's a total black-out + blank-out??? No, no... half a 'curry-puff'-look-a-like and half a packet of onion rings... that's all to end the day...
Oh yes, we continued to look for cheaper accommodation, along the way... the first one, County Hotel... 41 pounds... but shared facilities!!! No! No! No! Ok, Tavistock seems reasonable... 61 pounds... set! Will move in tomorrow...
That's the night started packing again... getting ready to move house the next morning...
Day 4 (5 July 2006, Wednesday)
Started my breakfast early... factoring time to 'move house' and to take the train to Green Park... Hey, no sign of SS!!! We were going to be late...
Realised something: There's no 'booking' charges for taxi (unlike Singapore), but Taxi drivers expect a 10% tip... no wonder the driver gave us "that Look" when SS reaffirmed the amount to pay as shown on the meter... hahaha... so we learn... do what Romans do in Rome.
We moved house this morning... to Tavistock Hotel... yes, we were lucky... that we could check into the rooms early in the morning... but it was a mad rush & packing... oh yes, I left my toothpaste at White Hall... there's no shampoo or liquid shower foam at Tavistock... So... that's the difference!!!
The day began with the visit to QCA, an agency that we heard a lot about, since Day 1 arrival. Yes, it was a very good discussion, knowing what it offers and what it's going to do... I think this is the few meetings that I'm most attentive to... thanks to the presenter who engaged us well... The most interesting thing is the on-screen test... wah! It sounds good! Just wonder, if it could be something we can tap on for our baseline evaluation, here...
Ok, one discovery: There's no Promotion/Retention system in UK - meaning that pupils will move on to the next stage be it they do well or not... so, I guess the next challenge is, how to address to the widening gaps at higher levels?
Also, teachers are 'entitled' holidays... so, if they come back to give remedial lessons, they do it 'voluntarily'... otherwise, they are paid, on top of the normal wages! Wah! Can't imagine what's our teachers' reactions when they hear about this!
At a lighter side, the building looks very different, compared to the rest... ok, probably because it was the ex-MI5 building and therefore has acquired all the security features that it came with...
In the afternoon, we visited the John Kelly Girls Technology College, one that I looked forward to, hoping to clarify and verify some of the good practices taken off the internet site of the college. It rained a little that afternoon... well, it's something that we don't see in other schools - it houses the CISCO academy... Oh the other hand, I think there's an overdosage on what the CISCO academy offers or what it does, etc... not so much related to the real teaching and learning of the pupils in the college.
On the other hand, it's from this school we learnt that I&E is also one initiative that's happening in the schools... that reminds me of the PW-I&E project that we had in NAS! Isn't that similar?
Also learnt something new here, that's the college has been authorised to be a training centre for teachers-to-be, and allowed to accrediate. That means, not all teachers must go through the so-call Teacher training college! The training has been decentralised... so, there's no 'standardisation' in terms of the training teachers will undergo???
The day ended with tea... in a high class restaurant... Fortnam and Mason. wah! what a luxurious tea!!! I thought... Well, it's on Keith... Thanks, Keith! Indeed, we learnt about earl tea (supposedly to be light and therefore serve as afternoon tea...) and the art of eating ... er... I think is something called "scone"(?)... anyway, the picture shall explain... hahaha... we had a good time learning and enjoying this "meal". It's been very nice of Keith who walked us down to the Underground station, probably without knowing we turned back to roam around... hahaha...
The rest of the afternoon was good, indeed... having sometime to roam around in the Piccadilly area... well, corner after corner, long walks, short walks... yes, somehow, we went into Bond street... the high-class area... we saw贵妇,富豪。。。 哦!他们的样子原来如此。。。 哈哈哈。。。 It's so funny... There, the Trafagar square where the dolphin fountains are... hahahaha... even joked of using photoshop to colour the water red... 海豚教书教到吐血了!哈哈哈。。。 石像冲凉洗脸了!!! 还有Nelson in the pagoda... 哈哈哈!
这晚又是一个找吃的日子。。。 走着走着。。。 天不知不觉的黑了!天啊!还没着落!不是吧!难道又是一个没晚餐的夜晚?苦哉啊!
终于走到了Chinatown... oh yes, 几个‘黑帮头目’从一间餐馆出来了!哈哈,就这样,在那餐馆用了餐 - timsum and mutton... followed by the famous "Wong kei" - the wanton noodle, the vegetables and the fried pork. A point to note... probably because of all the reading and hearsay about "wong kei", and the people there dressed in Black T-shirts... the first feel was... Oops... have I walked into a hei-dian... hahaha.... the waiters are not that unfriendly, afterall... and the food is reasonably priced... Cheers!
Though there's lots of walking... for this evening... Somehow, perhaps the heavy-going stuff were already over? It's already half-way through? or because have recharged well the previous night... the mood was far much better... though having to walk, walk, walk...
Oh yes, this was the night that France got into the Finals of the World Cup! The street was crowded... though after 11pm... the joy, the cheer... at Leicester Square...
Ok, next, trying to figure out the way to walk back... it was cool... no, it's cold... hoping to reach the hotel quickly... but it turned out to be a longer walk...
PS: From 23 July 2006, Sunday Times: Can find gourmet cookies from Harrods and Fortnum Mason @ Takashimaya Food Hall
Realised something: There's no 'booking' charges for taxi (unlike Singapore), but Taxi drivers expect a 10% tip... no wonder the driver gave us "that Look" when SS reaffirmed the amount to pay as shown on the meter... hahaha... so we learn... do what Romans do in Rome.
We moved house this morning... to Tavistock Hotel... yes, we were lucky... that we could check into the rooms early in the morning... but it was a mad rush & packing... oh yes, I left my toothpaste at White Hall... there's no shampoo or liquid shower foam at Tavistock... So... that's the difference!!!
The day began with the visit to QCA, an agency that we heard a lot about, since Day 1 arrival. Yes, it was a very good discussion, knowing what it offers and what it's going to do... I think this is the few meetings that I'm most attentive to... thanks to the presenter who engaged us well... The most interesting thing is the on-screen test... wah! It sounds good! Just wonder, if it could be something we can tap on for our baseline evaluation, here...
Ok, one discovery: There's no Promotion/Retention system in UK - meaning that pupils will move on to the next stage be it they do well or not... so, I guess the next challenge is, how to address to the widening gaps at higher levels?
Also, teachers are 'entitled' holidays... so, if they come back to give remedial lessons, they do it 'voluntarily'... otherwise, they are paid, on top of the normal wages! Wah! Can't imagine what's our teachers' reactions when they hear about this!
At a lighter side, the building looks very different, compared to the rest... ok, probably because it was the ex-MI5 building and therefore has acquired all the security features that it came with...
In the afternoon, we visited the John Kelly Girls Technology College, one that I looked forward to, hoping to clarify and verify some of the good practices taken off the internet site of the college. It rained a little that afternoon... well, it's something that we don't see in other schools - it houses the CISCO academy... Oh the other hand, I think there's an overdosage on what the CISCO academy offers or what it does, etc... not so much related to the real teaching and learning of the pupils in the college.
On the other hand, it's from this school we learnt that I&E is also one initiative that's happening in the schools... that reminds me of the PW-I&E project that we had in NAS! Isn't that similar?
Also learnt something new here, that's the college has been authorised to be a training centre for teachers-to-be, and allowed to accrediate. That means, not all teachers must go through the so-call Teacher training college! The training has been decentralised... so, there's no 'standardisation' in terms of the training teachers will undergo???
The day ended with tea... in a high class restaurant... Fortnam and Mason. wah! what a luxurious tea!!! I thought... Well, it's on Keith... Thanks, Keith! Indeed, we learnt about earl tea (supposedly to be light and therefore serve as afternoon tea...) and the art of eating ... er... I think is something called "scone"(?)... anyway, the picture shall explain... hahaha... we had a good time learning and enjoying this "meal". It's been very nice of Keith who walked us down to the Underground station, probably without knowing we turned back to roam around... hahaha...
The rest of the afternoon was good, indeed... having sometime to roam around in the Piccadilly area... well, corner after corner, long walks, short walks... yes, somehow, we went into Bond street... the high-class area... we saw贵妇,富豪。。。 哦!他们的样子原来如此。。。 哈哈哈。。。 It's so funny... There, the Trafagar square where the dolphin fountains are... hahahaha... even joked of using photoshop to colour the water red... 海豚教书教到吐血了!哈哈哈。。。 石像冲凉洗脸了!!! 还有Nelson in the pagoda... 哈哈哈!
这晚又是一个找吃的日子。。。 走着走着。。。 天不知不觉的黑了!天啊!还没着落!不是吧!难道又是一个没晚餐的夜晚?苦哉啊!
终于走到了Chinatown... oh yes, 几个‘黑帮头目’从一间餐馆出来了!哈哈,就这样,在那餐馆用了餐 - timsum and mutton... followed by the famous "Wong kei" - the wanton noodle, the vegetables and the fried pork. A point to note... probably because of all the reading and hearsay about "wong kei", and the people there dressed in Black T-shirts... the first feel was... Oops... have I walked into a hei-dian... hahaha.... the waiters are not that unfriendly, afterall... and the food is reasonably priced... Cheers!
Though there's lots of walking... for this evening... Somehow, perhaps the heavy-going stuff were already over? It's already half-way through? or because have recharged well the previous night... the mood was far much better... though having to walk, walk, walk...
Oh yes, this was the night that France got into the Finals of the World Cup! The street was crowded... though after 11pm... the joy, the cheer... at Leicester Square...
Ok, next, trying to figure out the way to walk back... it was cool... no, it's cold... hoping to reach the hotel quickly... but it turned out to be a longer walk...
PS: From 23 July 2006, Sunday Times: Can find gourmet cookies from Harrods and Fortnum Mason @ Takashimaya Food Hall
Day 5 (6 July 2006, Thursday)
We had a very long day in the morning... meeting at the Specialist Schools and Academies Trust, followed by a train journey to Chafford Hundred Campus, and dinner with an important person, Doug Brown.
On the other hand, we also realised start losing steam after the 3-day marathon, battling with overdosage of information and the jetlag effect (Ok, I think by then it's just an excuse), not sleeping well, etc... (probably because of the excessive walks)... OK, it's very miserable when the body and soul fell apart as and when...
The meeting was scheduled at 9am... and indeed, Keith advised us to take a cab... probably to cut down the rush and hunting in the busy area... well, we went by train... nevertheless, seemsl like luck was not by our side... lots of wrong turns before heading for the right building...
The morning brought us to the heart of the Political segment of London, as Keith told us... It's Westminster where the 'power' comes into play... The birdeye view of the London city was a treat to begin the meeting - a good one, knowing what the Trust does and where it comes from... In my opinion, it's a body that safeguards the quality of the education that schools provide... the RATL programme is one... to ensure that no one is left behind... to answer to the moving target set by the ministry (in this case, the department). Yes, it's also the body that networks the schools, creating the school-for-school kind of 'culture' in the education system in England. Oh yes, it's out there to expand and extend its network, too...
The train brought us to Chafford Hundred... ok, Keith brought us to the mall next to the train station before making our way to the school... well, well... just wondering... hm... did we, or me??? in particular projected an impression that "shopping" is an important daily routine??? Can't help, but asked on the way back... ok... it's stereotyping... I clarified!!! Phew!!! hahaha... in the first place, I've no stimula to shop at all!
The Campus... the newest of all that we had visited... the look and feel is good... in particular, in pursuing excellent use of handheld PCs is the 'niche' of the school, it seems to project. The admin system, hm... the vle system is impressive, and definitely so if the whole school moves into it, say come September? Just wondering... to some extent, technology has driven learning? or Learning is driven by technology?
Returning to the Waterloo Station, it brought us nearer to the Tower of London where we discovered there's room for improvement when Keith took full-body shots... hahaha... The breeze from the River Thames helps to freshen our minds a little...
The dinner was a 'stressful' one... while trying to pick up the spirit when almost run out of steam... ok, I 'slept' with my eyes open and mouth chewing... thanks to SS, who kept up with an intelligent conversation with DB. Well done, SS.
Indeed, went down to Knightsbridge... no luck, Harrods was closed then... the street is much quieter... no more energy... head straight for the hotel...
Oh yes... not forgetting my toothpaste and shampoo... ok, walk a lot of 冤枉路again... this time, come upon the 'cemetry' area... there he talked about the bombing in London last year... hey, why talk about this at such unearthy hours, unearthy place??? Shut up!!! Yes, I guess it's the fear...
On the other hand, we also realised start losing steam after the 3-day marathon, battling with overdosage of information and the jetlag effect (Ok, I think by then it's just an excuse), not sleeping well, etc... (probably because of the excessive walks)... OK, it's very miserable when the body and soul fell apart as and when...
The meeting was scheduled at 9am... and indeed, Keith advised us to take a cab... probably to cut down the rush and hunting in the busy area... well, we went by train... nevertheless, seemsl like luck was not by our side... lots of wrong turns before heading for the right building...
The morning brought us to the heart of the Political segment of London, as Keith told us... It's Westminster where the 'power' comes into play... The birdeye view of the London city was a treat to begin the meeting - a good one, knowing what the Trust does and where it comes from... In my opinion, it's a body that safeguards the quality of the education that schools provide... the RATL programme is one... to ensure that no one is left behind... to answer to the moving target set by the ministry (in this case, the department). Yes, it's also the body that networks the schools, creating the school-for-school kind of 'culture' in the education system in England. Oh yes, it's out there to expand and extend its network, too...
The train brought us to Chafford Hundred... ok, Keith brought us to the mall next to the train station before making our way to the school... well, well... just wondering... hm... did we, or me??? in particular projected an impression that "shopping" is an important daily routine??? Can't help, but asked on the way back... ok... it's stereotyping... I clarified!!! Phew!!! hahaha... in the first place, I've no stimula to shop at all!
The Campus... the newest of all that we had visited... the look and feel is good... in particular, in pursuing excellent use of handheld PCs is the 'niche' of the school, it seems to project. The admin system, hm... the vle system is impressive, and definitely so if the whole school moves into it, say come September? Just wondering... to some extent, technology has driven learning? or Learning is driven by technology?
Returning to the Waterloo Station, it brought us nearer to the Tower of London where we discovered there's room for improvement when Keith took full-body shots... hahaha... The breeze from the River Thames helps to freshen our minds a little...
The dinner was a 'stressful' one... while trying to pick up the spirit when almost run out of steam... ok, I 'slept' with my eyes open and mouth chewing... thanks to SS, who kept up with an intelligent conversation with DB. Well done, SS.
Indeed, went down to Knightsbridge... no luck, Harrods was closed then... the street is much quieter... no more energy... head straight for the hotel...
Oh yes... not forgetting my toothpaste and shampoo... ok, walk a lot of 冤枉路again... this time, come upon the 'cemetry' area... there he talked about the bombing in London last year... hey, why talk about this at such unearthy hours, unearthy place??? Shut up!!! Yes, I guess it's the fear...
Day 6 (7 July 2006, Friday)
It's the last day of the official business... The mood was light... as we all knew once it's done, it's over :D The train journey was a short one... barely out of zone 2, I think... it took about 30 minutes.
Our last stop is Seven Kings High School. Oh yes, it's a very different school, a very down-to-earth one ... that I drew most satisfaction from amongst the 5 schools visited... probably having the chance to see the real teaching, that I believe there's no wayang... and, seeing pupils in the act, pupils' responses, is something I could associate with more... there's a mix of good and room-for-improvement practices... the use of interactive whiteboard by teachers, the deployment of resources based on department's acceptance to the rule of the "game", the availability of resources to pupils... yes, I was bought-in, and the strong leadership made a difference... It is something real... it's a school that touches the ground...
Our last stop is Seven Kings High School. Oh yes, it's a very different school, a very down-to-earth one ... that I drew most satisfaction from amongst the 5 schools visited... probably having the chance to see the real teaching, that I believe there's no wayang... and, seeing pupils in the act, pupils' responses, is something I could associate with more... there's a mix of good and room-for-improvement practices... the use of interactive whiteboard by teachers, the deployment of resources based on department's acceptance to the rule of the "game", the availability of resources to pupils... yes, I was bought-in, and the strong leadership made a difference... It is something real... it's a school that touches the ground...
Day 6b: It's over... and a pat on our shoulder
At last, the official business is over... the afternoon, the evening is ours!!! Hooray... hm... is that a reward of the hard work over the past 5 days? Well... that's very fast, I thought! Looking back, it was so stressful upon confirming the trip... meeting, printing, getting ready, packing... ok, it's worse off than any trips made so far... be it an official business or on my own... though realise it's becomingly common to only start getting ready the evening before flying off... even for the Taipei trip...
I thought all the "walkings" are over! Can't remember how many miles I've covered by foot since June... ok, that's the Taipei trip where lots of legwork done, every night, up and down the nightmarkets and streets with Lee Cherh... similiarly here when we walked from one location to another... Thanks to Keith, who saved us lots of pounds by walking us through the gardens, etc... oh yes, maybe I have lose a few pounds too... hahaha... how I wish...
The very first treat was unplanned for... visiting an allotment of farmland, just around the corner of the school... It's interesting... that reminds me of Sarah's and LB's farms in Paro... I thought I recognise the pumpkin plants... and the strawberry plants... oh no, I have no expert eyes on plants... it reaffirms... oh yes, the plants were not spared... they were our models for that past 20-minute visit.
Yes, we had a glimpse of the remaining ruins (the old London wall), a small historical piece that I never know, thanks to Shoo Soon for asking and Keith for tirelessly walk us down the road to search for the remaining wall... there's St Paul... it's a petty that it now pays to enter... hm...
This dinner @ Shepherd's was an expensive one... I think because we have to foot our own bill... and probably is the most expensive one I ever had in my life, so far... almost 50 pounds per head!!! Imagine, multiplying by 3 to convert to Singapore dollars!!! Hm... perhaps it's one good way to give a pad on the shoulder... or it's one way to have a 'more traditional' British meal? I wonder... as part of the ritual (or curse??? now I begin to wonder....) we reached Shepherds after lots of 冤枉路... detouring and detouring... trying to figure out how to reach the destination within a maze!!! Oh yes, by the time we reached the restaurant, the skies almost turned dark (imagine, it's summer)... well, the dinner was great, afterall... (er... was it because we were very very exhausted by then???) hm... the starter with scallops and duck meat salad... main dish of the mutton and the pie... the dessert - mashy thingy (that I can't remember what's that) and something else I can't remember... hahaha... anyway yummy yummy... it was a memorable one ^.^
I thought all the "walkings" are over! Can't remember how many miles I've covered by foot since June... ok, that's the Taipei trip where lots of legwork done, every night, up and down the nightmarkets and streets with Lee Cherh... similiarly here when we walked from one location to another... Thanks to Keith, who saved us lots of pounds by walking us through the gardens, etc... oh yes, maybe I have lose a few pounds too... hahaha... how I wish...
The very first treat was unplanned for... visiting an allotment of farmland, just around the corner of the school... It's interesting... that reminds me of Sarah's and LB's farms in Paro... I thought I recognise the pumpkin plants... and the strawberry plants... oh no, I have no expert eyes on plants... it reaffirms... oh yes, the plants were not spared... they were our models for that past 20-minute visit.
Yes, we had a glimpse of the remaining ruins (the old London wall), a small historical piece that I never know, thanks to Shoo Soon for asking and Keith for tirelessly walk us down the road to search for the remaining wall... there's St Paul... it's a petty that it now pays to enter... hm...
This dinner @ Shepherd's was an expensive one... I think because we have to foot our own bill... and probably is the most expensive one I ever had in my life, so far... almost 50 pounds per head!!! Imagine, multiplying by 3 to convert to Singapore dollars!!! Hm... perhaps it's one good way to give a pad on the shoulder... or it's one way to have a 'more traditional' British meal? I wonder... as part of the ritual (or curse??? now I begin to wonder....) we reached Shepherds after lots of 冤枉路... detouring and detouring... trying to figure out how to reach the destination within a maze!!! Oh yes, by the time we reached the restaurant, the skies almost turned dark (imagine, it's summer)... well, the dinner was great, afterall... (er... was it because we were very very exhausted by then???) hm... the starter with scallops and duck meat salad... main dish of the mutton and the pie... the dessert - mashy thingy (that I can't remember what's that) and something else I can't remember... hahaha... anyway yummy yummy... it was a memorable one ^.^
Day 7a: Covent Garden - a different look
It's been a well-known place in London - that's bustling with life, on a Saturday evening.
It's a vast difference, compared to the evening when we first came... so quiet... and set us wondering... what's so interesting about this place? OK, it was a weekday evening... and I guess it explains everything.
The people, the music - be it contemporary or classical, the mini-shows by the buskers, etc... it's so London! hm... should I say, it's so... Overseas??? hahaha... do we find this in Singapore? Hm... or I've not known my country well enough???
Yes, remember there's a Marks & Spencer here... not much of variety... (yes, the one at Oxford Street is much better)... got a box of gooseberries (that it said, a seasonal product of Essex) and a bowl of shrimp salad! What a healthy meal, I thought... with a bottle of sparkling water...
PS: Have never tasted 'sparkling water' till came to London - at DfES. It's probably gasy water... that's all... Well, do we have it in Singapore? Anyway, though not really like it, but get one bottle in case can't find it back at home... ;p
Well, I guess Gooseberries (which were rather sour, probably not ripen yet) + Shrimp Salad + Sparkling Water did not make a good combination for the body...
It's a vast difference, compared to the evening when we first came... so quiet... and set us wondering... what's so interesting about this place? OK, it was a weekday evening... and I guess it explains everything.
The people, the music - be it contemporary or classical, the mini-shows by the buskers, etc... it's so London! hm... should I say, it's so... Overseas??? hahaha... do we find this in Singapore? Hm... or I've not known my country well enough???
Yes, remember there's a Marks & Spencer here... not much of variety... (yes, the one at Oxford Street is much better)... got a box of gooseberries (that it said, a seasonal product of Essex) and a bowl of shrimp salad! What a healthy meal, I thought... with a bottle of sparkling water...
PS: Have never tasted 'sparkling water' till came to London - at DfES. It's probably gasy water... that's all... Well, do we have it in Singapore? Anyway, though not really like it, but get one bottle in case can't find it back at home... ;p
Well, I guess Gooseberries (which were rather sour, probably not ripen yet) + Shrimp Salad + Sparkling Water did not make a good combination for the body...
Day 7b: The Shakespeare's Globe
Yes, the Shakespeare's Globe - a place that I longed to visit, especially having much influence from Karma Pedey, a good friend at NIE Paro... she re-ignited my interest in Shakespearean's plays after the Elizabethean night in 2004 winter :D Also, Karma Wangchuk, who expressed much interest in the great man's works.
Shakespeare - I "know" you since Sec 4! Yes, I still could get over it... when I came across 12th Night and it's still unbelievable to me that I passed the paper by watching the play the night before the exam! Hahaha...
It's an art, to know Shakespeare's great work... so well translated... indeed, I learnt more of your plays when they are in Chinese! Believe it or not...
Shakespeare - I "know" you since Sec 4! Yes, I still could get over it... when I came across 12th Night and it's still unbelievable to me that I passed the paper by watching the play the night before the exam! Hahaha...
It's an art, to know Shakespeare's great work... so well translated... indeed, I learnt more of your plays when they are in Chinese! Believe it or not...
Day 7c: The Lion King
Thanks to Sherwin, it's a real good recommendation.
Having the afternoon sitting in the theatre, enjoying what I used to do in Singapore... hm... the good singing and great props! I must admit... apart from the storyboard, one thing I love to go watching musical is the visual effect it brings... :D
Having the afternoon sitting in the theatre, enjoying what I used to do in Singapore... hm... the good singing and great props! I must admit... apart from the storyboard, one thing I love to go watching musical is the visual effect it brings... :D
Day 8a: Ice Cream @ Oxford Circus
Yes, it's after all the shopping - the 2nd round of the day, after Windsor Castle (8b). All the shops close by 6 pm!!! Nothing else to do, but to eat?????
Came upon an ice-cream stall just outside the Oxford Circus station... hm... yummy... one scope of the Pistachio ice-cream, please :D
Came upon an ice-cream stall just outside the Oxford Circus station... hm... yummy... one scope of the Pistachio ice-cream, please :D
Day 8b: The Windsor Castle
The morning was cool... it rained the night before... yes, had spent almost an hour at the breakfast table... though the spread was as usual... not much... anyway, took the time to eat...
Went to Euston... then to Waterloo... it's easy to get the ticket, as a package... grab a croissant (the mushroom and cheese, same as the one I had to Birmingham)... there I went... Yes, spent most of the time writing postcards to my friends - in Singapore and Bhutan... of course, one for myself too... that I never fail to do whenever I'm overseas.
The view on the way was not scenic... compared to the ones we made in the past few days... buildings are modern... not much of the fields either.
The Castle is magnificent... Wow!!! It's beautiful... the skies!!! Yes, looking up the skies reminded me of a scene I saw in Yunan... the moving clouds... that's really beautiful.
One must-see is Queen Mary's Doll House... yes, that tells how one shows-off his/her wealth through art... it was a long long queue... anyway, am already there... might as well queue and see... ok, it's a 45-minute wait, though very tempted to join the next much shorter queue to see the state apartment only - which is grand... but that reminds me when visited the Versaille Palace in Paris... equally good, if not better :D All these tell how the monarchy splash their wealth! Except one, probably, the Bhutanese monarchy has a much simpler one, I guess.
Went to Euston... then to Waterloo... it's easy to get the ticket, as a package... grab a croissant (the mushroom and cheese, same as the one I had to Birmingham)... there I went... Yes, spent most of the time writing postcards to my friends - in Singapore and Bhutan... of course, one for myself too... that I never fail to do whenever I'm overseas.
The view on the way was not scenic... compared to the ones we made in the past few days... buildings are modern... not much of the fields either.
The Castle is magnificent... Wow!!! It's beautiful... the skies!!! Yes, looking up the skies reminded me of a scene I saw in Yunan... the moving clouds... that's really beautiful.
One must-see is Queen Mary's Doll House... yes, that tells how one shows-off his/her wealth through art... it was a long long queue... anyway, am already there... might as well queue and see... ok, it's a 45-minute wait, though very tempted to join the next much shorter queue to see the state apartment only - which is grand... but that reminds me when visited the Versaille Palace in Paris... equally good, if not better :D All these tell how the monarchy splash their wealth! Except one, probably, the Bhutanese monarchy has a much simpler one, I guess.
Day 8c: The World Cup Finals
It's the day... when the finals took place.
I'm not a soccer fan. But, can feel the 'heat' that's in England here.
Remember the night when France made it to the finals, we were at the Leicester Square, at 10+. The a group of youngsters singing the victory... it's fun to see how people expressed themselves. On the other hand, I was worry if they turned rowdy? Yes, the British fans are well-known for not behaving in soccer matches! Isn't it?
Anyway, it's the first time I watch a match live! or more like, I bother to switch on to watch that... hahaha... interestingly, I was trying to keep myself awake to type the annex. Anyway, followed through some snapshots here and there... and yes, saw the snapshot when the red card was flashed! and the joy of the Italian team!!! Congratulations!!!
Yes, I celebrated that with 50% of the FISH & CHIPS meal bought at the train station... The fresh orange squash with mango juice was refreshing :D
I'm not a soccer fan. But, can feel the 'heat' that's in England here.
Remember the night when France made it to the finals, we were at the Leicester Square, at 10+. The a group of youngsters singing the victory... it's fun to see how people expressed themselves. On the other hand, I was worry if they turned rowdy? Yes, the British fans are well-known for not behaving in soccer matches! Isn't it?
Anyway, it's the first time I watch a match live! or more like, I bother to switch on to watch that... hahaha... interestingly, I was trying to keep myself awake to type the annex. Anyway, followed through some snapshots here and there... and yes, saw the snapshot when the red card was flashed! and the joy of the Italian team!!! Congratulations!!!
Yes, I celebrated that with 50% of the FISH & CHIPS meal bought at the train station... The fresh orange squash with mango juice was refreshing :D
Day 9a: The British Museum
This is a MUST-go place, I told myself... though knowing that, with that limited amount of time, there's very little to cover, and it's doing great disservice to it... well, what can I do? given the British has everything, including shops, to close by 6 pm... there's nothing much I can do...
Am prepared... with the guidebook... will check-out, makan breakfast, and set off... Hm... all prepared for a solo exploration, hoping that I'll remember the route to come back to catch the bus to the airport.
A buzz came... "Arlow. Whr u? Museum?"
"At hotel. U on way to paris?"
"Hotel. P tmw"
Yes, what a pleasant surprise! ^.^
Yes, having a company to go definitely made a big difference - apart from going by the shortest possible route, zooming into what to see! Yes, a common objective - to see the mummies. Definitely, having someone to talk to, about the mummies and ginger is good... and had occasional good laughs, too... hahaha... the 'what-was-thought-were-fake' Elgin marbles, the 'bilingual' Rosetta Stone, the 'out-of-proportion, eye-big-big' sculptures made way in the BC and the 'sexy' Greek statues. :P Thanks to Shoo Soon for making the day!
It's fun, when coming to taking pictures, too... the angle, the lighting, the distance... ok, SS can be more yim-jim than me... hahaha...
One taboo I'll always observe, avoid taking pictures with those 'eerie' stuff... no, no, no, after my experience in Turkey...
Am prepared... with the guidebook... will check-out, makan breakfast, and set off... Hm... all prepared for a solo exploration, hoping that I'll remember the route to come back to catch the bus to the airport.
A buzz came... "Arlow. Whr u? Museum?"
"At hotel. U on way to paris?"
"Hotel. P tmw"
Yes, what a pleasant surprise! ^.^
Yes, having a company to go definitely made a big difference - apart from going by the shortest possible route, zooming into what to see! Yes, a common objective - to see the mummies. Definitely, having someone to talk to, about the mummies and ginger is good... and had occasional good laughs, too... hahaha... the 'what-was-thought-were-fake' Elgin marbles, the 'bilingual' Rosetta Stone, the 'out-of-proportion, eye-big-big' sculptures made way in the BC and the 'sexy' Greek statues. :P Thanks to Shoo Soon for making the day!
It's fun, when coming to taking pictures, too... the angle, the lighting, the distance... ok, SS can be more yim-jim than me... hahaha...
One taboo I'll always observe, avoid taking pictures with those 'eerie' stuff... no, no, no, after my experience in Turkey...
Day 9b: Home Sweet Home
Spent the entire morning packing... ok, I was going to try my luck, to claim the VAT, since I already processed on @ Marks & Spencer. Yes, I have a bagful of goodies... the ones I got from M&S, the ones of got from Windsor Castle... and yes, the books from WHSmith!!! The bag was heavy, I thought... plus my luggage, it's going to exceed 20kg??? Nevermind, I shall try my luck...
Well, the Hotelink bus came, earlier than the scheduled time... had my 'seat-in coach last' tour of London - to the ulu-ulu places of westminster, the kenningsten park area (where Princess Diana once lived), the west of London.. and last but not least, the Terminal 4 of the Heathrow airport, which is far away from the rest of the terminals.
Yes, saw the VAT counter, but there's a queue... well, check again at the Information Counter, and guess what??? They said only the goods with forms accompanied by the retailer can have the claims processed... so, all my effort in the morning's gone!!! Can't claim for the books, the various items got at Windsor Castle, etc... What a disappointment!!! So, forget it... I didn't queue...
The check-in counter was already opened! Ok, thought I'm kiasu... there're more kiasu people - mostly the ang-mohs, too... checking in at least 3 hours ahead. Well, well, a few couples in front spent more than 20 minutes at the counter... llike moving house!!! One even open the luggage to re-organise their stuff so that the weight did not exceed the limit... Oops! When my turn came, will I do the same? Praying hard that my luggage won't exceed 25kg, as I vaguely recall we can check in up to that 'unannounced' amount... the counter officer seem to be very strict leh... ok... pray hard.... on the other hand... heng-er... if I didn't come early, will be waiting till sunset liao! hahaha....
Passed through the check-in counter safely... Phew! no overweight charges... very heng... (when came back, a look at the tag showed that it went up to 28kg!!!)
The next strange thing... no gate number printed on the boarding pass!!! and it's the airport's practice to get people to look at the board for updated info... just wonder... why can't they release the numbers there and then??? Strange!!! efficiency???
On 11 July, by 3 pm, I touched down... in Singapore...
It's great to be home :D I'm home... lugging my luggage...
The jetlag has been torturing... the time clock has gone upside down... nevermind, I'm home... ^.^
Well, the Hotelink bus came, earlier than the scheduled time... had my 'seat-in coach last' tour of London - to the ulu-ulu places of westminster, the kenningsten park area (where Princess Diana once lived), the west of London.. and last but not least, the Terminal 4 of the Heathrow airport, which is far away from the rest of the terminals.
Yes, saw the VAT counter, but there's a queue... well, check again at the Information Counter, and guess what??? They said only the goods with forms accompanied by the retailer can have the claims processed... so, all my effort in the morning's gone!!! Can't claim for the books, the various items got at Windsor Castle, etc... What a disappointment!!! So, forget it... I didn't queue...
The check-in counter was already opened! Ok, thought I'm kiasu... there're more kiasu people - mostly the ang-mohs, too... checking in at least 3 hours ahead. Well, well, a few couples in front spent more than 20 minutes at the counter... llike moving house!!! One even open the luggage to re-organise their stuff so that the weight did not exceed the limit... Oops! When my turn came, will I do the same? Praying hard that my luggage won't exceed 25kg, as I vaguely recall we can check in up to that 'unannounced' amount... the counter officer seem to be very strict leh... ok... pray hard.... on the other hand... heng-er... if I didn't come early, will be waiting till sunset liao! hahaha....
Passed through the check-in counter safely... Phew! no overweight charges... very heng... (when came back, a look at the tag showed that it went up to 28kg!!!)
The next strange thing... no gate number printed on the boarding pass!!! and it's the airport's practice to get people to look at the board for updated info... just wonder... why can't they release the numbers there and then??? Strange!!! efficiency???
On 11 July, by 3 pm, I touched down... in Singapore...
It's great to be home :D I'm home... lugging my luggage...
The jetlag has been torturing... the time clock has gone upside down... nevermind, I'm home... ^.^
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