It's been a well-known place in London - that's bustling with life, on a Saturday evening.
It's a vast difference, compared to the evening when we first came... so quiet... and set us wondering... what's so interesting about this place? OK, it was a weekday evening... and I guess it explains everything.
The people, the music - be it contemporary or classical, the mini-shows by the buskers, etc... it's so London! hm... should I say, it's so... Overseas??? hahaha... do we find this in Singapore? Hm... or I've not known my country well enough???
Yes, remember there's a Marks & Spencer here... not much of variety... (yes, the one at Oxford Street is much better)... got a box of gooseberries (that it said, a seasonal product of Essex) and a bowl of shrimp salad! What a healthy meal, I thought... with a bottle of sparkling water...
PS: Have never tasted 'sparkling water' till came to London - at DfES. It's probably gasy water... that's all... Well, do we have it in Singapore? Anyway, though not really like it, but get one bottle in case can't find it back at home... ;p
Well, I guess Gooseberries (which were rather sour, probably not ripen yet) + Shrimp Salad + Sparkling Water did not make a good combination for the body...